A Few Words From The Best Ever
Whether or not you are a photojournalist, if you've not yet seen this video, take 3:28 to hear from perhaps the greatest war and conflict photographer ever - James Nachtwey.
Like his images, Nachtwey's Lifetime Achievement Award (from ASME) acceptance speech is concise, powerful and important.
If you've got an extra minute, once you've watched, reflect on what he has to share. If you have longer, there are other links on the page worth exploring.
JAMES NACHTWEY RECEIVES LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD: https://time.com/3693061/james-nachtwey-receives-lifetime-achievement-award/
LIFE AFTER WAR - PHOTOS FROM WALTER REED HOSPITAL: http://time.com/3595931/life-after-war-james-nachtweys-photographs-from-walter-reed/
THE ROHINGYA, BURMA'S FORGOTTEN MUSLIMS: http://lightbox.time.com/2014/07/10/rohingya-burmas-forgotten-muslims/#1